Being The Right Person

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How can I make my marriage better?

Being The Right Person

A wise man once said, "Marriage is not so much finding the right person as it is being the right person." If everyone would take this saying and make it a part of their life we would have better marriages and a better society.



6/23/2009 7:43:47 PM
Crystal said:

I couldnt agree more. I think we fall into this way of thinking, and it takes a lot to realize that marriage actually takes A LOT of work, and consistence.

9/29/2011 11:42:03 AM
adigun olufunky said:

True talk. Marriage is not only a commitment, but a convenant with God.

10/6/2011 12:03:54 PM
Adam said:

"Marriage is not so much finding the right person as it is being the right person." This statement sounds good, but I am unsure of its meaning. Can you please elaborate?


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